Serkan Karas
Serkan is postdoctoral fellow at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He has studied electrical and electronic engineering in Bogazici University (Istanbul). Following his graduate STS studies in the University of Maastricht, he completed his PhD at the NKUA as a historian of technology. In his PhD, he has studied the technopolitics of infrastructures in Cyprus with an emphasis on electricity and transportation networks and British engineering expertise. Amongst others, he has been awarded Karen Freeze Fellowship by Tensions of Europe and Brooke Hindle Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015) by the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). During his Brooke Hindle postdoctoral fellowship, he developed a comparative research agenda around socio-technical transitions in energy and water-management sectors in Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. His research interests are technopolitics of energy and natural resources, historical perspectives in critical infrastructure studies and the role of techoscience in state-making processes.