Yannis Fotopoulos
Yannis is a Ph.D. candidate in the NKUA in the HPS Department under the supervision of prof. Stathis Arapostathis. Yannis holds a M.Sc. in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (NKUA/NTUA) and he is specializing in that particular field of Social Sciences that highlights the Social Shaping of Science and Technology. Concurrently, he completed a European multidisciplinary postgraduate-programme (MA) on Science-Technology Studies (ESST). His project focuses on the transition of technological infrastructures in Greece. He is particularly interested in (i)the co-coproduction of technical choices within a framework of technological competition and of visions related to state development policies and transnational pressures; (ii)the role of technical communities in the appropriation of technical arrangements and in the construction of the credibility of a technology, in the design of a network. His research project was funded by The Tokyo Foundation and by The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.